Sophie Dyer

How it started...
Reading has always been a passion of Sophie's. Delving into the HP world at a very young age, she expanded her collection into contemporary romance.
But that wasn't enough for her. Sophie knew there was more stories out there, ones that didn't consist of closed door romance or women that needed a man to save them.
Despite her English teacher convincing her that writing wasn't achievable, she felt the need to prove her wrong. It wasn't until she was 18 that she actually decided to start writing. Though she never published anything until 30, she dove into the dark world of anti-heroes and strong females.
Who is Sophie Dyer?
​Known best for her Bestselling Mafia series, The Notorious Five, Sophie also writes romantic suspense, action and mystery and Reverse Harem.
Building her portfolio with various short stories, series, spin-offs and stand-alones, Sophie maintains the strength in her characters, developing worlds realistic yet fictional. Her characters are real, raw and full of flaws, but that's what gets you hooked.
Sophie started writing at the age of eighteen, however, never pursued the interest until a few years ago. With seven novels under her belt and more to come, there's so much more to Sophie's writing talents.
Dyer now lives with her fiancé and two crazy dachshunds in Dubai, where she writes full time in the sunshine!
If you want to know where to find Sophie when she isn't writing (which isn't often), she will be out with her partner, walking their dogs or taking trips to the beach.
Behind the Veil —

The fear of failure. Failing after putting so much time and effort into something is heartbreaking. I never want to reach that moment in my life where I feel like my only choice is to give up.

While I don't have one muse for my books, a lot of my ideas come from films, books and general brainstorming. I've been down so many different paths in terms of genres that Mafia and Dark romance have become my sole focus and passion.

Becoming #1 in the UK and US Amazon Kindle Charts. It only lasted a day, but I got that banner!

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